I wish I could communicate more of the thoughts in my head. This blogging concept has been dancing fruitlessly for years in what apparently is dead space in my brain. But today I decided to start somewhere, throw caution to the wind and just give it a whirl. Maybe it will help sort out some of the chaos that jams up my thoughts.
I am about to embark on a new adventure which has me ping ponging between the excitement of the possibilities and then to pure sheer terror of the unknown. I am in the process of preparing my house to sell and finding a new, smaller place to blossom. That means change, change, change....and a lot of purging and reassessing.
It's pretty amazing how much stuff you collect over the years, especially if you have a love for collecting and the unusual. People always ask me where I get all of my interesting things and I am definitive in my response about surrounding yourself with things that make you happy and inspire you. I say avoid things that just "fit" or "match" your space, and instead find things you love and they will always belong. There is something special about finding happy treasures, rescuing them and giving them new life. It's fun to find something no one else has, that has a little story to tell and fills your space with a new energy. Anyone can go the store and buy something mass produced, but to find hidden or forgotten treasures is like magic and supports the idea of reusing and taking better care of our earth.
Of course I am attached to so many of these treasures, but I need to pass them on and share their magic. As I continue to go through all the nooks and crannies of my life, I am going to share many of these finds and things I have collected on my website including vintage collectibles, unique supplies for creating, handmade goodies, and so much more. It will make me so happy to lovingly package and share these lovelies with someone who will love them too.
Love this! I too am a collector of happy treasures ❤️
Hi Jenny!
Are you done purging? A detstash box from you would be a TREASURE ❤️